
Currently Loves: Nikons, Bellies, Kobes, Band-Aids, MCE, Toro. Oh. And Spencer. Not Heide.

tippie toe

, originally uploaded by Weinaiko.


hatonaplane, originally uploaded by Mattias Adolfsson.

Dave Eggers & Valentino Achak Deng

Dave Eggers & Valentino Achak Deng, originally uploaded by wnyc.

the star of the book, What is the What, by Dave Eggers. Read it.


, originally uploaded by deborah lattimore.

The interview about my fish-eye set was uploaded to the Popular Photography website today:, also with a link to my new website.

This fish eye will be hanging on the wall of a design agency in Paris! A trip to Paris is definitely in order. Paris Flickr meetup for sure!


change_of_focus, originally uploaded by Mattias Adolfsson.

another fav from mattias

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