My First Photographed is Published!!! (digitally, that is)
4 Comments Published by C.J. on Thursday, October 19, 2006 at 10:40 PM.

The array of emotions I am experiencing right now cannot be described. I'll try. Pride. Happiness. Pride?
This day will go down in history, along with:
- The day I got married.
- The day my [first] set of twins was born.
- And, now, the day when NbNW published a picture, with a copyright tag, that I took.
Sub-rights associates have nothing on me. I sell (/give away) my own rights.
Labels: bige, concert, creative commons, cute, is, nyc, published, regina spektor, sub-rights
Wow babe. Never thought that someone else in the family would be licensing out rights. I am SO happy for you. It's a great pic and you deserve it!
Love, BigE
Mittelmite will live on forever.
I was the one who produced that article and I just wanted to say the picture was pretty amazing. It was a delight to work with :)
Tom Giratikanon
North by Northwestern
thanks for the fair use and the article!
Nice picture and all, but why aren't you posting about your anah-li tag?