
Currently Loves: Nikons, Bellies, Kobes, Band-Aids, MCE, Toro. Oh. And Spencer. Not Heide.

Sky-Stone 1

Sky-Stone 1, originally uploaded by luzer.

Antique Jewelry Repaired

Antique Jewelry Repaired, originally uploaded by luzer.

new lens, nikon 85mm f/1.8

Hewlett-Packard Latest Ad Campaign "Borrowed" from Best-selling Novel

We have always said that HP (Hewlett-Packard) has had innovative print and media advertisements, usually ahead of their time.
However, in this case, it seems that they have stolen/borrowed their print-ad concept from the cover-jacket of a best-selling novel, Jonathan Safran Foer's Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

You be the judge...

read more | digg story

"The Trip Back" PSA - Inspired Strangers With Candy - 1/3

part 2 and part 3

HP's Latest Ad "Borrowed" from JSF?

It seems that Hewlett Packard latest print ad looks strikingly similar to the jacket of JSF's 2nd novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. You be the judge...

UPDATE: Some have suggested that the same design firm was at work here. That is *not* the case. ELAIC was designed by Jon Gray (aka - gray318) [here], HP design was done inhouse, most likely...

Did you hear that??

Did you hear that??, originally uploaded by luzer.

Corporate Greed

Corporate Greed, originally uploaded by luzer.

Human Beehive

Human Beehive, originally uploaded by luzer.

CJ-kipidea - Brune / Brunne

We are all very familiar with, and, indeed, cherish the genetic superiority of brunettes vs. blondes (intelligence, humor, s*x-appeal, wit, athleticism, etc - think Angelina vs. Jennifer).

But what of their often overlooked, dark-haired male-counterpart- the Brunne? He, too, shares many of the same qualities with his female counterpart. I mean, as a girl, who[m] would you rather bring home to mom- Owen or Luke? Carson or Jai? Nicole or DJ-AM? Eric or Ari? Wes or Danny? Steven or John? (right-both!) The answers are clear because the questions are rhetorical.

Don't get me wrong, we have our share of bad apples that found their way in. Tom Cruise comes to mind. That's all I can think of right now.

Sadly, the other online encyclopedia beat me to the punch on this one:

Only the feminine form has become part of English: brunet (with a silent t) would theoretically refer to a dark-haired boy or man but is virtually never used in practice, nor in French, although "Brunet" is a common surname. A boy or man is often referred to as dark-haired, rather than as a brunet.
I ask you, then, my faithful reader(s), to, please, please, bring this term into the English lexicon where it can find a warm couch to crash on. Do it for all the dark-haired men out there that cringe when they see a Mimbo. Or a Norwegian. Or a bald guy that says he *had* brown hair.

Do it for me.

Thank you,
CJ the Brunne

Get Rid Of Slimy pigeonS: Update #1

We have received your complaint of unsanitary conditions due to the feeding of pigeons, at W 97 St and Columbus Ave. and W 97 St and Amsterdam Ave.
We have generated Service Requests SR#11242855566, and SR#11242855550.
We will inspect these areas within the next few weeks.

311 is New York City's non-emergency phone number to access services and information about City government programs. Dial 311 from within the City or (212)NEW-YORK outside of the five boroughs. TTY service is also available by dialing (212) 504-4115.

You may report any future allegations of unsanitary conditions by dialing 311.

If you have any further questions, or comments, you may telephone me.


Bernard Zicherman
Associate Public Health Sanitarian
Office of Veterinary Public Health Services
Division of Environmental Health
The City of New York
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
125 Worth Street, CN-66
New York, NY 10013
Tel (212) 676-2115
Fax (212) 676-0463

INVENTION IDEA: T-Shirt Made Of Glasses-Cleaning Material

So you never have to worry about scratching your glasses when cleaning 'em with your shirt...

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