
Currently Loves: Nikons, Bellies, Kobes, Band-Aids, MCE, Toro. Oh. And Spencer. Not Heide.

MISC: Items Found in the back of Taxi Cabs this Past Week

I found the following items in the back of NYC Taxi Cabs this past week:

  1. Cheap temporary umbrella
  2. (Fake?) Louis Vuitton purse - with inhaler, blue diamond pills, and cardiologist's business card
  3. Clunky cellphone
I tried to return items 2 and 3 - with partial success. If you are the owner and can prove it - please let me know.

Why must tall people (like bench-warming, over-weight NBA players [Shaq]) need to wear ugly suits? Why don't they make normal-looking, well-cut suits - just larger? Do they really need 8 buttons and to come in many shades of green? Can't they just make larger buttons? I mean, you don't see midgets wearing one-button suits- theirs are just smaller!

3 Responses to “MISC: Items Found in the back of Taxi Cabs this Past Week”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I want my umbrella back, damn it!
    I've been frantically looking for it.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    On that note-- If anyone finds a very cute pair of pistachio green boucle gloves from Banana Republic please contact me via mittlemite. They were believed to be left in a cab on Monday night.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Also, RE: tacky clothes for bball players, there was an article in NYT yesterday about how the sale of Big&Tall clothes has gone up since the implementation of the NBA dresscode.  

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